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Personal Projects

ChatGPT and GitHub Co-Pilot - Golang Web API (Swagger UI)

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Description: Lightweight API generated utilizing ChatGPT prompts and GitHub Co-Pilot. Utilized Swagger UI for generating API Docs. Utilizing Go, Gin, Swagger UI, ChatGPT, GitHub Co-Pilot, and Swagger UI.

Links: Project Repo

ROS & Alexa - Baxter the Robot Making Coffee using OpenCV w/ Alexa Interface

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Description: University project revolving around having Baxter the Robot make a cup of coffee. Utilizing ROS (Robot Operating System) to help w/ 3D mapping, navigation, and real-time vision (OpenCV: Real-Time Computer Vision).

Alexa was for the desire of bidirectional communication between a custom Alexa Skill and the ROS Node for communicating with Baxter. PubNub was used for the Pub/Sub Paradigm.

Links: Project Code, Full Video

GitHub Actions & Slack SDK - GitHub PR Slack Bot

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Description: A GitHub PR Slack Bot that fetches outstanding Pull Requests and periodically pings the dedicated Slack Channel to provide details.

Links: Project Repo

Kubernetes & Helm - Golang Web App

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Description: Simple Go prototype application utilizing Docker, Kubernetes, and Helm to Deploy to a Kubernetes Cluster.

Links: Project Repo

Docker Compose - NET/Angular Weather Forecast App

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Description: WeatherForecast prototype application utilizing .NET Core, Angular, SQL Server, containerized by utilizing Docker Containers (DockerCompose.yml & Dockerfile).

Links: Project Repo

Java libGDX - Phantom Lord Video Game

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Description: This project was for a short retro-style side scroller video game. The game is written in Java and uses the libGDX framework. All Music, Sounds, Art, Environments from and, powered using libGDX.

Links: Project Code, Full Video

Custom PCB & Arduino Development - Wireless Tower of Lights

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Description: The Wireless Tower of Lights at the University of Idaho was a project to convert the show’s electronics to a fully wireless system. The new system involved the development of microprocessor based wireless modules that would are attached to each of the light bars

Links: Project Wiki, Project Repo

Python Raspberry Pi - Turing Machine Simulator

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Description: Software simulator that multiplies two numbers and displays the result in the form of a turing machine. The program was written in Python, using a Raspberry Pi with a Grove Connector Interface Board that connects to a I2C 4 Channel Mux Extender Board

Links: Project Code, Full Video

Java Animation Editor - GoofyGlasses

Description: Java Animation Editor for creating short animations to export to low-level arduino boards that would play said animation.

Links: Project Repo

Distributed Program that uses MPI - 2D Heat Distribution Program

Description: Software created to solve the partial differential equation 2D Heat Distribution Problem utilizing the Chebyshev-Accelerated Jacobi Iteration Algorithm. Writtien in C. (MPI = Messaging Programming Interface)

Links: Project Code